Unless you live under a rock, I'm sure you've all been following the soap opera that is Usher & Tameka. Here is the rundown of the botched wedding according to varous sources:
Usher's mother [Jonetta Patton] is against the wedding," a source tells People. "That is one of the main obstacles."
Usher's mom was his manager until he let her go in lieu of Former stylists/new boo Tameka Foster taking her place
"Jonetta was invited to the wedding at the last minute, but she didn't want to go," an insider tattles to the New York Daily News. "She's not a hypocrite. As much as she loves her son, she's not going to pretend that everything's fine."
On Sunday, Usher made a beeline to Atlanta, ostensibly to smooth things over with his miffed mom (Foster is also in town)
"The reason he called off the ceremony is that he couldn't go through with it without Jonetta," a spy tells the paper. "He had an 11th-hour epiphany."
Another theory posited by some of the estimated 100 invited guests: The Grammy winner might have been troubled by Foster's long-ago run-in with the law, which was recently uncovered by the National Enquirer.
A source told People Mag "Usher Changed his mind"
Usher, 28, and Foster, 37, "had a lot of differences about the details," explains the mole. "For example, the bride wanted barbecue ,[and] he wanted to have [renowned chef] Jean Georges cook."
BBQ at a wedding??WTF!!! nothing says class like licking your fingers and smearing sauce all on your ivory Vera Wang.
Whatever the problems, the result was the ceremony, which was reportedly going to be witnessed by the likes of Beyoncé and Jay-Z, "was on again, off again for the past few days," according to the insider. "[Foster] was calling it off because she wasn't getting the things that she wanted. The mother was calling it off ... Usher was calling it off."
I don't buy that Tameka was calling anything off, after all she stood to make millions if it didn't work out (which it wouldn't have)
"Usher woke up on Saturday and said he couldn't go through with it," a confidante recounts to the Daily News. "Apparently, he also couldn't bring himself to call all the people who were invited. He had the wedding planner call everyone in the wedding party."
Foster's reaction? "She was marching around, cursing," says an eyewitness.
Bitch lost her meal plan
On Monday, however, she dismissed the many rumors, telling People, "No one knows why we canceled the wedding, but I can tell you that all of the reasons that everyone is speculating and writing about are completely untrue."
According to Usher, the wedding is still a go, but he's vague on details. "As of right now we don't have a date," he explains to Us Weekly, "but we will let you know when we do."
The wavering pair purportedly made up their minds only two weeks ago to throw a wedding because "they wanted to have it take place before the baby bump started showing," says an insider.
Speaking of the bun in the oven, Foster, who is said to be due in the fall, confirmed that she briefly checked into the hospital after the nixed nuptials due to pregnancy complications.
"We had a scare," she reveals to People. "But, I am fine and the baby is fine."
I think this pregnancy is a sham, according to some very reliable sources , when Tameka was admitted to the hospital she would refused to let doctors examine her
to make sure the baby was ok and only asked for the nurses to give her an IV drip.
Sounds like she was trying to cause some drama to make Usher change his mind and marry her anyway.
As of Monday, their gift registries at Crate and Barrel and Williams-Sonoma were still available, with the would-be bride and groom requesting everything from a metal whisk for $6.95 to an espresso machine for $3,659 (one guest kvetched to Life & Style that the idea of the moneybags musician soliciting household items was "tacky").
Ummmm, I smell more Tameka here....
Earlier this month, Usher felt it necessary to release a statement denouncing rumors that Foster was calling the shots in the relationship, insisting to People, "I am happy, excited, completely clear and independent on my direction, feelings, decisions, and I am NOT BEING LED."
Pulease you were hypnotized by that nasty vajayjay...
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