Thursday, June 7, 2007


After only three days behind bars, Paris Hilton traded a 12-by-8-foot cell for her 2,700-square-foot Hollywood Hills home when she was released early Thursday because of an unspecified medical condition.

Hilton will be under home confinement, wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet, for the remaining 40 days of her sentence for violating probation in a reckless driving case.

This piece of trash was apparently released due to a "skin condition".

Let me get this straight, this hoe has a herpes outbreak and now she gets
to sit at home and get waited on hand and foot by some poor immigrant woman!!!
I am outraged. Is Cali's justice system this fucking starstruck !!!
If she were poor or a minority her ass would be rotting. They lock Martha "the queen" Stewart away for 2 yrs and let this human genital wart infect the earth!
This just proves that not only is Justice blind, but also very stupid.

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