Tuesday, June 26, 2007


PETA has blasted Michael Moore, because he's a meat eater and they feel he's too fat to helm a documentary about the health industry. PETA urged Michael to become a veggie, because it will help him lose weight.

Michael's latest documentary "SICKO" about healthcare in America will hit theaters this Friday.

Peta wrote to Michael, “There’s an elephant in the room, and it is you."

WTF? What is PETA 12 or something! What does a movie about the healthcare crisis in America have to do w/the ethical treatment of animals? I consider myself an animal lover but geesh, this is idiotic. These are the same people that throw paint on people walking down the street wearing fur & leather. Vandalizm and verbal attacks aren't saving God's creatures assholes!
That took some energy, now I need a turkey sandwich!

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