Thursday, June 7, 2007


Audience members said the trouble started when a spectator lobbed something at Akon during a concert Sunday at Dutchess Stadium and the 34-year-old singer asked the crowd to point out the culprit. A security guard picked out a 15-year-old and sent him up to the stage, where Akon hoisted him onto his shoulders and flung him back into the audience, The Poughkeepsie Journal reported Thursday.

ok so there are no "guillos" in this story , but I thought it was funny anyway!

seems the kid landed on a woman in the crowd and she suffered a concussion. she has now hired a lawyer and says she only wants an "apology" from Akon. I'd say she wants about a million bucks worth of apologies! Geesh, people always suing for something nowadays. Just get your med bills paid and let it go.

either way, this is coming off the heels of the whole dry-humping 14 yr old girl incident, the guy just needs to sing his songs in that annoyingly melodic robot voice he has and get his ass off the stage. Everytime he tries to be "outrageous" shit goes horribly wrong. Akon aka "Mr. Roboto" has yet to be charged with any crime.
Whoever this kid is should have his ass kicked, not for throwing shit onstage but for missing his target!!! He deserved getting chucked off stage for throwing like a girl!

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