Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I know this is like old news, but Foxy brown was beaten and robbed by 3 hoes...no, literally 3 hoes...in Brooklyn on 6/23. She was leaving a party at the Pink Houses (very gully PJ's in Brooklyn) and was sitting in a car, when she broke up with her boyfriend ,Roshawn Anthony,after learning he was a pimp. He then called some of his hoes and the rest is history. The Hoes in question got away w/$500 cash, some credit cards,hand fulls of weave and took the bitches hearing aid! Foxy was said to be more concerned about her hair, because she wanted people to believe it was real (being she is 1/2 Filipino)
Bitch is now saying it wasn't her, but the police told MTV news it was indeed Foxy Brown aka Inga Merchand....

I can't say I feel sorry for her. She has put the smack on a few poor store clerks, nail techs and is a all-around BIATCH. The Karma Police were working overtime.

Full story at http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1563281/20070625/foxy_brown.jhtml

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