Friday, June 1, 2007

Jack Kavorkian Released from prison

LANSING, Mich. - Jack Kevorkian, the retired pathologist dubbed “Dr. Death” after claiming he had participated in at least 130 assisted suicides, left prison after eight years Friday still believing people have the right to die.
A smiling Kevorkian, now 79, said it was “one of the high points in life” as he walked out with his attorney.

Dr. Kavorkian has stated that he will no longer practice Euthanism, but will fight for it's legalization.....As a resident of Michigan and seeing 1st hand what "Dr. Death" went through with the whole trial and trying to make people understand that if someone is suffering and wants to die...well it should be their right. It makes me think of that movie "Million dollar baby" where Hilary Swank has her legs amputated and can barely breathe. She asks Clint Eastwood to put her out of her misery and he does....I think if I were in her shoes (or lack there of) , I would have wanted the same thing. Why is it ok to put an animal out of it's misery, but not a human being...hell we are animals too.

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